Dancing Dreamers Curriculum Training

Put your dreams into motion

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Dancing Dreamers is an outreach program to help children ages 9 – 14 years realize their dreams through dance.Through the discipline of dance training our program will allow children to express themselves, dig deep, discover their deepest desires, and create dances that embody their dreams.Through this program we strive to break barriers of self-doubt, low self-esteem, and feelings of worthlessness.Often children in low-income and impoverished families repeat the cycle of poverty due to the inability to envision their lives better.Through dance, we will help children use their imaginations and creativity to envision a new path for their lives.

The program length will be determined by the site and outreach teachers. Sites may request the full 12 week program and cover all 10 modules below or they may request a customized “Daydream Program” and choose one or modules from below.

Children will hear from motivational speakers or watch videos each week that will share their story of triumph.They will then have a dance, choreography, and discussion Hip Hop and Contemporary Dance improvisation workshop to express themselves and discover their own dreams.The children will create their own Hip Hop and Contemporary dances.Formal dance lessons will be weaved into the improvisation develop their discipline, internal thinking process, and dance skills.The program will wrap up with a performance presentation from the students.

The 10 Dream Modules

Week - Lesson

1 – Dare to Dream

2 – You have everything you need to succeed

3 – You Are Not Your Past

4 – Your Present is Not Your Future

5 – Discovering Your Passion

6 – Letting Go of Fear

7 – Identifying your Strengths

8 – Embracing Your Flaws

9 – Giving Back to Your Community

10 – The Importance of Fitness and Nutrition for a Successful Life

These ten modules are the cornerstone of Dancing Dreamers that will be presented by live speakers or video presentation.The program will then encompass these topics in dance improvisation and technique that will eventually become concrete choreography in Hip Hop and Contemporary Dance

Your Instructor

Princess Johnson
Princess Johnson

Dance enthusiast and entrepreneur.

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